Kuurakuonon Fantastic Fenris - Fenris
Broscheit Fang's Leonardo - Leo
Fen-Dweller Crying Orc - Kronos
Fen-Dweller It's Darker Than You Think - Hati
Fen-Dweller Path of Destruction - Loki
Snow Shade Kollum Lynch - Ivan
Gaiko-Ikk V.D Egmato - Gaiko, shikokunkoira
Hunajan Wilho - Marttis, dreeveri
Jocose Drip Drop - Hiisi, irlanninvesispanieli
Kuurakuonon Classic Blue Mustang - Saga
Super Star Triumphant Beauty - Tara
Fen-Dweller Whirling Wood Elf - Halla
Levajok's Cherry - Dewi
NoMan's Empire Miss Muffet Miu-Miu - Kisu
Kuurakuonon Fantastic Fenris - Fenris
Broscheit Fang's Leonardo - Leo
Fen-Dweller Crying Orc - Kronos
Fen-Dweller It's Darker Than You Think - Hati
Fen-Dweller Path of Destruction - Loki
Snow Shade Kollum Lynch - Ivan
Gaiko-Ikk V.D Egmato - Gaiko, shikokunkoira
Hunajan Wilho - Marttis, dreeveri
Jocose Drip Drop - Hiisi, irlanninvesispanieli
Kuurakuonon Classic Blue Mustang - Saga
Super Star Triumphant Beauty - Tara
Fen-Dweller Whirling Wood Elf - Halla
Levajok's Cherry - Dewi
NoMan's Empire Miss Muffet Miu-Miu - Kisu